Sunday, October 30, 2011

Maximum Heart Rate

Since we have started using the EA Sports Active2 at our home there has been a lot of discussion on the topic of Maximum Heart Rate. We did the subtraction, 220 - age to calculate my MHR and 226 - age for my wife (it's different for females). So my MHR calculates to 156. The recommended workout range is 50%-90% depending on what your goals are. The problem is that I when I am at the peak of my workout I have short bursts as high as 170 or more. My wife was concerned that I was going to have a heart attack by working out too hard. Well, I did the research and I found that it is a fact that you can't hurt a healthy fit heart with exercise. You can only make it stronger. I also found that everyone has a different MHR depending on their level of fitness. I've been exercising for 2 years now so my MHR is going to be different. I also found that really fit athletes will more than likely have a lower MHR as their hearts are much healthier and more efficient. They get the job done with less effort.
BTW I found most of this information on the Cleveland Clinic Webstite. It's a great place to research health questions.

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