Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Are You Stuck?

Stuff happens! You're doing great and then something distracts you, a party, vacation, or anythng that brings you down. My distraction was my sons wedding. You know....lot's of eating, drinking and a grand ole time. It was painful coming back and trying for a reset.
Try writing your goals down and when you get to a critical point pull them out and review them. Be honest with yourself, adjust and get back to work! Don't over think your situation. Every day is a new start and an opportunity to refresh your situation.
Simply, "keep on keepin on"

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What about this?

I was wondering about the availability of workout television today.

Why doesn't someone do a daily TV show that I can work out to. It wouldn't have to be a big deal, just offer up a 45 minute live workout 3 times a day.